Skimmed yogurts in pregnancy associated with increased risk of childhood asthma

Dairy products are an important food in the pregnant woman's diet, as they contribute to increasing calcium stores, an essential nutrient for the health of the future mother and the baby. However, not all milk derivatives would be recommended.

According to a recent study, Skimmed yogurts in pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of childhood asthma and allergic rhinitis in children.

Researchers evaluated the intake of milk and milk products during pregnancy and the prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis in their children during childhood.

They have found that pregnant women who ate low-fat yogurt with fruits once a day had 1.6 times more likely to have children who develop allergic rhinitis and asthma at 7 years, compared to the children of women who had not consumed them.

They think that non-fatty components related to nutrients in yogurt They could be responsible for increasing this risk. They are analyzing, at the same time, if the consumption of skimmed yogurts could serve as a marker of diet and other lifestyle factors.

On the other hand, the results have shown that milk consumption during pregnancy was not associated with an increased risk of developing childhood asthma and that, in reality, protects against the development of this disease.

Therefore, milk and its derivatives remain recommended foods during pregnancy. As for the skimmed yogurts, the difference found is not significant. They have said that research will continue on this line to confirm if they can really be associate with an increased risk of asthma, the most common respiratory disease in childhood.

Video: Drink Milk Mixed With Honey For 7 Days, THIS Will Happen To Your Body! (July 2024).