Dads and moms blogs (IIC)

Another Tuesday we reviewed the most interesting contents of the moms and dads blogs that we met by cyberspace to bring you their stories and advice.

Today we would like to introduce you to Yaneth where his blog speaks to us, My Points Of ViewWhat happens when your child says Dad, wake up! Surely more than one mother will feel identified with the situation Yaneth tells us at the time of the nap ...

And another novelty that we have been able to discover in the blogosphere is Mamá 2.0 and its Moms on the Net who proposes to guess what is inside the jar. And, many times a handmade gift is worth much more than one purchased. And here we can find an original and easy gift to make.

If we visit Eva Quevedo and her Mother's blog we find that at home, television, radio and reading are governed by, as she affectionately says, the Tyrannical Duo.

Recent mother, in her blog I grow up the dwarves It tells us a truth that, at least for me, is as big as a temple, and that is that the child who has a good grandfather has a treasure.

When we pass by Mimes and Teta blog From Nohemí we find the presentation of a book written by women who, tragically, have lost their baby in the first weeks of gestation. This book is called "The Forgotten Voices."

To Lorena Beltrán, author of the blog My first child they asked him the other day a question that surely more than one of you will have been asked: what does it feel like to be a mother? She leaves us her reflection on that issue; What would you answer?

In Of pacifiers and droolAlbertina tells us how her girl gave them a night stand. Albertina would have liked her daughter to want to leave her bed sooner rather than later, but it hasn't been like that ...

Natalia tells us how she became a mom blogger through her Reflections of a (triple) mother-psychologist. And addressing all those mothers and fathers who have a blog: what are your reasons?

Nicolas's mom He tells us that his son loves to read, and tells us about one of the gifts that the Magi from the East have brought him this year, especially to start him in the habit of reading.

We finish this blog review with Motherhood by London who tells us, on the occasion of the birthday, how her little girl has changed since she was born 2 years, 24 months or 730 days ago.

As you can see, the moms and dads blogs This week they are varied and very interesting. The week we wait for you with new blogs for you to know.

Video: My Dad is Back (July 2024).