How to act when we see our son hitting other children

When they communicate to us or we see that our son hits the other children, the first thing we think is that it can not be that our child is aggressive, with this attitude we do not favor the solution of the problem. Some experts point out that in most cases, these are only stages that disappear with age if we remedy them, but if parents do not do this it can become a more serious problem.

Between the reasons that can give rise to this, we can highlight that the child has a strong character, that manifests limitations to be able to express himself at home or outside it, that costs him a lot to comply with the rules and that has lack of control in his conduct. However Every child and every family is a world So parents should try to correct this attitude and if we see that we cannot help you, go to the specialist.

The children distinguish perfectly what is right of what is wrong and so the first thing we should do is pay attention to those who tell us about it in school and of course what we see at home or when we go out with them.

Once this happens we can set some guidelines, the most important is set some limits so much at home how outside her, it is not necessary to hit or yell at him but it is clear that their actions have consequences imposing the punishment we deem appropriate. If he is old enough to reason, we must make him see how he would feel if another child hit him. In this regard, the discipline from our side

It is also important to explain and make you see that you have to ask for forgiveness To the child he has bothered, at first he will do it because we force him but little by little he will learn to apologize regularly and without having to tell him. One aspect that is recommended is practical physical exercise so that these children Release your aggressiveness, better in individual sports of course.

Another aspect is the punish him when this happens taking away what you like most temporarily With this we will get you to see that such behavior has an answer on our part, so it is convenient that we react to these situations in a constant and predictable way, this will help you recognize that these behaviors are not correct.

In the same way if we should reward and praise your good behavior, when we see that in the face of a conflict, he solves it without hitting it, we will make him see how proud we feel about it and to reinforce it we can buy him something material he wants.

Parents are the role model for children, so it is convenient that when we see aggressive behaviors either on the street or on television listen to us recriminate and reject them Never applaud them.

If with all this we see that the situation with the child does not improve, we must seek more professional help that can tell us the origin of the problem and give us possible solutions, denying on our part a problem like this can harm not only the other children but our child.

In Peques and more | Does my son need a psychologist? (Aggression) Image | Aislinn Ritchie

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