"Saturdays at the College of Architects of Catalonia" are full of practical knowledge

The College of Architects of Catalonia has been doing a series of activities for a few weeks children and young people between six and 18 years old, in order to publicize the profession, disseminate knowledge of Barcelona and reflect on the construction of a sustainable city.

Storytelling, workshops and informative days will be held until next June 9 on the dates indicated below. All activities are coordinated by ABZ and are part of the program called “Dissabtes al COAC” (Saturdays at the COAC). I have always believed that recreational workshops should have a didactic component and in these I present to you children will learn a lot in a practical way, while still having fun.

As for the storyteller, they are aimed at children from six to 10 years old, and intend to explain how was Barcelona growing at different times: Roman, medieval, Renaissance, ... Today the third session has taken place but you arrive in time to attend on May 5 and June 2, write it down.

From the age of eight, children have more desire to learn by experimenting, they themselves ask for more consistent experiences, that is why they intend to bring knowledge about sustainable cities. The next workshops will be on April 21, May 12 and June 9.

And if your teenagers are interested in studying architecture, they may be interested in information days scheduled for April 28 and May 19. The positive (and negative) aspects of the profession will be shown dealing with topics such as urban planning, new construction or rehabilitation.

All activities will be held from 11 to 13 hours, and in the mezzanine of the COAC in Plaça Nova (Barcelona) You can request more information and communicate the inscriptions to the email [email protected]. It is certainly a good opportunity to bring knowledge to the little ones and who knows! Perhaps some of them discover their vocation.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).