Soft drinks in childhood and poor coronary health

It seems that there may be a relationship between soft drinks in childhood and poor coronary health. A recently published study has indicated that the consumption of soft drinks linked to excess carbohydrates in childhood is related to factors that predispose the heart problems, coronary problems and hypertension.

The work has been done by researchers at the Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research at the University of Sydney and the subjects were about two thousand children from 21 schools in the city who drank one or more soda with gas a day.

The result found that these children had the arteries in the back of the narrowest eyes and this is one of the factors that are related to a greater propensity to heart disease, hypertension and coronary problems in adult life, being one of the elements that are analyzed when you want to investigate the health of a person's blood system.

By examining the back of the eyes, researchers can see the health of a person at the level of the blood vessel system.

Children with a high consumption of soft drinks and carbohydrates had a more adverse microvascular profile compared to those who did not drink soda or who ate a lot of carbohydrates.

The study concludes that it can be noted that the sum of an excessive consumption of carbohydrates together with the intake of soft drinks with gas in childhood it is linked to a narrowing of the vessels of the retinaHowever, to reach more complete conclusions, the subjects of the study must continue to be able to determine if the damage persists and if it is reaffirmed as coronary poor health predictor.

Video: How is Sugar and Heart Disease linked? (July 2024).