Weekend activities: the next bridge we go from rural house

With the arrival of fall, it seems that many weekend plans are always conditioned by the weather Own this season. Well, I refuse to stay at home one day, at least in the city. If I have to spend my free time in a limited space, that is with my family and in a rural environment.

For those of you with very small babies, it may still seem early for this kind of adventure. It is true that traveling with a young baby requires a deployment of means that you may see disproportionate for a long weekend, but if you dare, that you know that it is feasible.

The idea is to enjoy outdoor excursions while, especially children residing in large cities, we know a different lifestyle, more calm, in a natural environment, closely linked to work in the field and the care of animals.

A fascinating adventure

A lifestyle that many children do not know and whose discovery will seem fascinating and It will provide knowledge and values ​​that may be decisive in its future relationship with nature and the environment.

So important is choose the house well as the environment. Make sure the place has the necessary amenities to meet the demands of a child of that age and that the environment is as safe as possible. Forget houses at the foot of a cliff, on the edge of a stream without a fence or along a road, for example.

Me personally another aspect that I have in mind is that the place is as 'rural' as possible but with basic services nearby. It's about participating in a natural environment but without isolating yourself completely, since traveling with children forces you to take certain precautions.

Rural activities for urbanites

Find out about the possibility of visits to nearby farms or if there are suitable mountain routes for children of young age. The truth is that I just sawAjar with kids already facilitates the relationship with local people and it is very likely that you do not have problems so that children enjoy contact with pets or can learn things from the garden.

Do activities related to the place. Park the TV, iPad or mobile phone and organize an outing to collect tree leaves, observe the local fauna, participate in a task linked to the care of animals or the garden, cook with native products or take a boat ride on the river (if feasible and safe).

In short, enjoy a weekend that will permeate precious memories to the whole family and will serve to return oxygenated, charged with energy and surely with some new lesson learned.

In Happy Learning | Weekend activities: collecting tree leaves with children

Video: Sad! Remains Of The Past. Ghost Town in Georgia (July 2024).