Consuming milk and dairy products daily during pregnancy and lactation contributes to the development and growth of the baby

During pregnancy, it is important that we take better care of certain aspects of our health and our lifestyle. One of them is our diet, because during this stage we must consume all those foods that help our baby to have a healthy development.

One of the products that is recommended to consume women who are waiting for a baby is milk, and according to a new study, consuming two to three servings of milk and milk products daily during pregnancy, contributes positively to the weight and length of the baby.

Published in the magazine Advances in Nutrition, the research consisted of an analysis of 17 carefully selected studies, with the purpose of evaluate the influence of the consumption of milk and milk products during pregnancy and lactation.

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In it, it was mainly reviewed what were the effects derived from the consumption of these foods by the mother, in important indicators of the baby, such as its weight and length at birth, as well as the length of the femur, the circumference of the head, the weight gain during pregnancy, and also its influence on possible pregnancy complications, such as premature birth or spontaneous abortion and on the value Nutritional of breast milk.

It was concluded that consuming 2 to 3 servings or daily servings of milk and other dairy products benefits the baby's development, particularly in their weight and length at birth, compared to the absence or very low amounts of consumption of these products during pregnancy.

In the case of the aforementioned complications, the researchers comment that the small number of studies prevents conclusions related to them, as well as the direct effects of milk consumption during breastfeeding on the nutritional value of breast milk, so It is necessary to continue doing studies in this regard.

As we know, milk is the main and best source of calcium, and during pregnancy it is essential for the baby to form their bones, teeth, heart, coagulation systems and muscles.

But in addition to calcium, milk is a source of vitamins A, B2 and B12, vitamin D, as well as minerals such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, carbohydrates (lactose), high fat and protein quality, which they are indispensable for the development of tissues and organs.

Video: Why Pregnant Women Should Consume Less Milk (July 2024).