How to avoid stress in pregnancy?

One of the keys to a healthy and happy pregnancy is to take care of the mind and have adequate rest. There are many situations that can lead to complicated moments, but if we get avoid stress in pregnancy Our body and the baby will thank you. How to get it?

If the stress is maintained over time with a certain degree of intensity it can cause damage to both physical and mental health. There are studies that indicate that stress in pregnancy affects the baby (stress hormones cross the placenta), and it does so in a very diverse way.

During pregnancy, there may be certain more stressful moments: if we are overworked, if there are family problems, if we are concerned about any medical test, when the time of delivery is approaching ...

It is a normal and normal degree of stress, but we will know that stress begins to affect us if we have psychic symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, continued sadness or physical such as migraine, back pain, loss of appetite, ease of getting sick ...

Then it is advisable to consult the specialist if the symptoms are prolonged over time and especially try to remedy the stress situation. We may need professional help if the effects of stress are prolonged, as in the case of having suffered a traumatic event, strong work pressure, rejection of the couple or lack of support ...

But we have to try as much as possible to seek our psychic well-being thanks to some "tricks" to avoid stress in pregnancy.

Tips to avoid stress during pregnancy

If you feel any symptoms of stress, whether physical or emotional (they are usually joined together) it is convenient to "put the brake", stop to think what is affecting us and above all start carry out activities that are pleasant to us.

There is no single answer, each woman will have her preferences, but if you don't know where to start, here are some tips that will help reduce stress and that you feel better during pregnancy. And not only that: we have to think that the baby will also appreciate it.

  • Massages during pregnancy. Who does not appreciate a massage ... During pregnancy, it is a good way to relieve tension, relax and, for example, sleep better if done before bedtime.
  • Relaxing baths. Instead of the quick shower every day, we will try a relaxing moment with a foam bath (yes, with mild soap that does not harm the skin).
  • Listen to music, the one we like the most, the one that relaxes us the most, the one that makes us hum and move our heads at their own pace. It can be classic or modern, the case is that we all have our favorite music or songs and stopping to listen to them disconnects us from the outside world and creates great comfort.
  • Relaxation exercises, like the ones we have brought to our pages on several occasions. It is essential to perform these exercises to find the most appropriate time, in which we are calm and comfortable. Learning to relax is also a good preparation for childbirth, since relaxation can help us cope with physical sensations during childbirth, as well as being mentally calm.
  • Read. How long have you not taken a book? Didn't you like to read before? It is always a good time to resume this hobby that relaxes body and mind and helps to fall asleep.
  • Watch movies, our favorite movies or premieres. I know that the price of tickets is not enough to go to the cinema every week, but there are also video clubs, library lending services ... and sometimes even on TV we can see some interesting film (although if it happens to you like me you will end up asleep before the end).
  • Walking, walking during pregnancy is a very relaxing and beneficial activity for mom and baby, an activity that has multiple benefits and that we should try to do every day.
  • Exercise. Walking is one of the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy, but there are many others that can do well. If there is no contraindication, moderate and habitual exercise during pregnancy is good for the mother and the baby, reduces stress levels and provides significant physical and mental well-being. Cycling, swimming, practicing yoga, the Pilates method, tai-chi ...
  • Leave work when leaving work. Work stress is one of the main concerns of today's life. It is good to disconnect when leaving work, leave homework for working hours and set some guidelines such as not picking up the phone or not checking the work email when we are in our spare time. If our work causes us continued stress that affects our health, we must consider going to the doctor and explaining the situation in case it is convenient to be discharged.
  • Spend time with yourself, to be beautiful, to go to the hairdresser, to beautician, to manicure ... We often feel that the changes that affect our body are disastrous and irreversible. But you can be (and above all feel) beautiful and pregnant, and this will give us greater security and optimism on a day-to-day basis.
  • Practicing sex during pregnancy is advisable and safe, if there is no risk it provides benefits for everyone, including fortification of the relationship, better quality of sleep and rest ...

In short, any of these practices or better, several of them, can help us avoid stress during pregnancy and increase our optimism. Almost always, thinking about the great reward that will come with the birth of the baby is a good reason to try to feel better and overcome the bumps.

Photos | Jorge González Chau and Schwangerschaft, on Flickr In Babies and more | Stress in pregnancy, can it affect my baby ?, How to combat stress during pregnancy ?, Videos of massages for pregnant women

Video: Managing Stress During Pregnancy. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).