Do you want a gift idea for Father's Day? How about a personalized letter from the children?

Imagine the scene: Dad comes home, opens the mailbox as every day, and prepares to get to the door of his home. After hugging her children and her partner, she decides to open the envelope she has in her hands and surprise!

He didn't remember it, but It's Father's Day, and although his kids have given him only kisses with strawberry yogurt flavor, the emotional letter in his hands seems to be written by a child who loves his dad. 'Dear dad, when I grow up I want to be like you, ...' It is a personalized letter in which the father's name appears in the header, and also! The secret is revealed when he identifies the names of his children in the dedication of the envelope.

This is a great idea. to give on such a designated day (also when a man becomes a father), and you will find her in Ta Carta. It is available in Spanish, Catalan and English, has four pages and costs 6.80 euros including shipping.

I like that we are together; It is fortunate that from all the places where I could have been born I have done it right by your side, what a good coincidence!

I am sure that all the children know how to express their love for their father in words and drawings, and then give him on Father's Day. But perhaps many parents also receive a very special letter that you will like and get excited.

Source | Ta Letter In Peques and More | Happy Fathers Day of my life, A musical selection to sing and dance on Father's Day