"Toy Stories", the favorite toys of children in the world

If we compare some of our childhood toys With those with many children today, we would probably see more similarities with some countries in Africa than with our own environment. Those toys that move away from the technological, that are fair, scarce and perhaps therefore more appreciated.

This and other reflections occur to me as I go through the fascinating "Toy Stories" photographic projection which shows us what are the favorite toys of children in the world. "Toy Stories" is a series by Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti, who captured images of children around the world with their most precious possessions.

Galimberti found that something common among children across the continents was how their toys reflected the environment in which they are born and live: construction games in wealthy neighborhoods thanks to urban planning, toy cars at taxi drivers' houses ...

The photographer also noticed differences in the way children conceive their toys and relate to them as we talk about rich or poor countries (rather, children in these situations, although they usually coincide).

Children from wealthy families are more possessive and have a hard time sharing their toys, and that they usually pose surrounded by many ... Paradoxically, children who have less are the most willing to share. And to play with his friends in the street, even without toys.

I recommend you stroll through the children's favorite toys in the world with the photographs of "Toy Stories", surely you travel not only in space but in time, to other times when we also played more on the street ...

Official Site | Gabriele Galimberti On Babies and more | What are today's children looking for in toys? Ten tips for "not to be played" by toys

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