Do you think you will be to your children what your mothers were for you? the question of the week

A few days ago we offered a tribute to all mothers, for recent mothers and also for mothers of recent mothers and fathers, those that meant so much in their day to us.

There are few days left for Mother's Day and one of the introspection exercises we can do is try to knowing if the mark we leave on our children will be equivalent to the one our mothers left on us. Maybe so we can see what we are failing or what we are getting right and, perhaps, what we are improving our mothers, those of which "there is only one" and to which we owe so much:

Do you think you will be to your children what your mothers were for you?

Last week we asked you: If you were to be a father / mother for the first time, what would you not do again? to see what you told us about it.

Mamen Sánchez, whose opinion is the best valued, told us the following:

Going to my mother-in-law's house five days recently delivered. My in-laws are older and cannot travel. They live 300 km from us and I promised my boy that we would go see them soon if I was well. I complied but I regret a lot. It was hell and the relationship deteriorated so far. Puerperio in small house….

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: I Let My Kids Meal Plan Our Week (May 2024).