New FAROS notebook: the benefits of physical exercise in the integral health of the child

The report 'Physical activity improves learning and school performance' has been presented. It is a work carried out by experts from the FAROS Observatory for Children and Adolescents.

The report not only analyzes the Benefits of physical activity for learning and school performance, but also exposes its benefit to the physical and mental health of children.

In recent decades, physical activity is decreasing in the child population of developed countries and is well below official recommendations. Only 25% of boys and 8% of girls do physical activity that would be advisable

What do you think will happen if this trend continues? There are some estimates that they indicate as a consequence a less healthy life and a shorter life expectancy If future generations are inactive.

The children would have to do, in addition to the physical education of the school, a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity between three and four days a week - fast rides, bike tours, dances, soft swimming ... - and a minimum of 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity: running, practicing a team sport, swimming at an advanced level ...

Studies in humans show that physical activity increases the concentration of neurotransmitters that modulate memory and learning consolidation

But it is also noted that youth is increasingly polarized into two large groups: on the one hand inactive boys and girls, and others who do 'too much' physical activity. In both cases, health suffers.

Look at this data: In recent years there has been an increase in the number of children to be treated for a sports injury due to excessive physical activity practice or poor planning of it.

Nearly 20% of the injuries suffered by children are practicing a sport and although in general these lesions tend to be mild - erosions and purple s - serious cases that need to be hospitalized and that can lead to bone anatomy deformities have increased of the child with sequels for a lifetime.

It is time for fathers and mothers to 'put our batteries', and take seriously the importance of our children performing with some frequency physical exercise. If we do, they are very likely to have less tendency to sedentary when they reach adolescence.

And don't forget that when it comes to sports injury prevention, these recommendations we recently offered may help you.

Images | dullhunk, HEADLIGHTS Via | Hospital Sant Joan de Déu FAROS Notebook In Peques and More | The practice of some sport increases the cognitive performance of children, physically active children = more relaxed children, Guide for parents: school sport is a recommended reading for children who do sports