LightUp is a Kickstarter project to allow kids to learn electronics by building circuits

The project of Lightup It is driven by Tarun and Josh and their goal is that all children can understand electronics by building very simple circuits and in a quick way. His proposal is spectacular because it is based on using pieces that combined, using magnets for connections, allows basic electrical circuits for all children to play, learn and experiment with technology.

Josh specializes in Human Biology at Stanford (USA) and his goal is facilitate learning inside and outside the classroom. Tarun has studied Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications) at Princeton and Stanford University. Tarun knows and has worked on projects and companies such as Google, NVIDIA and OLTP (One Laptop Per Child). He agrees with Josh that he wants the kids learn and look for how to make it simple and easy.

So this kit for children to learn electronics by building blocks joined by magnets has been most attractive to me. They have also performed more functions and applications and as you can see in the video include options augmented reality and especially suggestive is the proposal to work with Arduino. The project has all the ingredients to succeed and although it has already achieved the marked target of $ 50,000With 500 participants of which 130 of them have already contributed more than 180 dollars each, I am sure that it will reach higher because it still has 40 days left to finish. Among the offer of donations, from 40 dollars, less than 35 euros, a simple kit can be purchased for children to play.

Here is the video that seems to me that recovers the simplicity of the LEGO blocks although the option to build electrical circuits so simple reminds me of toys like the scatron that I could never get and that now, for about 40 euros (with shipping), you can receive at your home from the United States.

Some time ago we talked in Peques and Más de The 3Doodler, a project that allowed to print / draw in 3D. The project has raised $ 2,344,134 (I don't think I need to pass it to euros) when its estimate was $ 30,000.

In Microsiervos they inform us that Kickstarter has been able, during 2012, to receive donations from 2.2 million people who donated 320 million dollars and participated in more than 18,000 projects of which 2,800 were games.

I would like to know what do you think about these projects? companies specialized in manufacturing and selling toys. Given the tremendous offer of games that seek funding at Kickstarter, I imagine that they will be very attentive to the work presented and especially to the responses that donor projects have through their comments and contributions. And it is that the Internet is allowing agile experimentation and facilitates metrics to determine if an investment effort can become a sales success.

In the R + D departments of the toy companies you are probably putting more focus on weaving networks, expanding collaborations and establishing agreements that in closed laboratory mode, because no matter how much creative and innovative effort is made it seems that anywhere in the world many people are doing the same and its market is no longer the communion campaign, nor birthdays, nor the kings campaign. This is already a global market and with the Internet at full capacity. And with platforms like Kickstarter advancing at full speed.

Video: Crazy Circuits Kickstarter Video (July 2024).