Spain is the country with more babies with low weight and late mothers

In an era where conducting scientific studies is fashionable, we have been able to find one where it is confirmed that Spain is the country with more babies with low weight and late mothers, despite being one of the countries with the best perinatal mortality data.

This work, Europeristat analyzes several indicators in almost thirty countries over the past year 2010, (a previous report assessing these same data came to light five years ago, with data from 2004).

If we compare the two works, Spain is one of the countries where the cases of children with low birth weight have increased the most, remaining more or less the same in the case of premature children (however, the number of cases remains alarmingly high).

We must not forget that prematurity is one of the perinatal risk factors that will influence the child's health, as well as possible problems of the child's optimal development.

On the other hand, another of the results of this study is the one that indicates that Spain also stands out as one of the countries where later women become mothers. Regarding this issue, it is worth highlighting a review they make in the report, and which says that "The promotion of earlier motherhood requires policies to support young parents and working mothers"”.

But we are not only going to be a leader in dangerous issues for the lives of children or concerning the age of Spanish mothers. In the study, special mention is made of the good quality of the neonatology services of the Spanish hospitals since, as stated before, the data referring to neonatal mortality are quite encouraging.

However, the one who Spain is the country with more babies with low weight and late mothers It is only some of the conclusions that have been drawn from this report, since we have not been able to find data referring to important aspects that have been found in other countries and that could surprise us, for better or worse, in a possible future study

Video: Teach every child about food. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).