Children who go to daycare have twice the risk of otitis, pneumonia and virasis

A little over a month ago, pediatricians gathered at the 62nd Congress of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics declared that, given the illnesses that children were able to catch in the nursery, it was recommended that they not be until two years.

A few days ago the IV Congress of the European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians and pediatricians of the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics (AEPap) presented a study in which they concluded that Children who go to kindergarten have twice the risk of otitis, pneumonia and virasis Than children who don't go.

The communication presented, which receives the title "Influence of childcare assistance on the morbidity of children from 0 to 2 years", received the award for best communication. This is a study carried out in Asturias in which 975 children were included.

Pediatricians and nurses participating in it found something obvious, that children who go to daycare suffer more infections than the rest. I say it is obvious because it is normal when you gather several children that viruses and bacteria easily pass from one to another.

As we have explained on occasion, it is considered that the immune system of children has just matured at some time between 2 and 6 years. Meanwhile, while immature, contagion is easy, and it is enough that you have several children together with their immune systems still inexperienced, to which one catches a virus several are infected.

Putting it in numbers, in the study they saw that the risk of pneumonia, recurrent sensitization, otitis media and virasis is twice as high for children who go to the nursery, being between 1.5 and twice greater if we talk about bronchiolitis, bronchitis and exanthemic viral diseases.

As the medication usually arrives behind the diagnosis, they also found that children who go to nursery school consume more antibiotics, bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids, being more frequent as soon as they enter the nursery.

The AEPap has posted a pdf with the presentation of the communication, so if you are interested in reading it and seeing the data you can do so by viewing it directly on its website.

Video: INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAII - Should Hawaii Require All Children to Be Vaccinated? (July 2024).