First notions of mathematics with Lego blocks

There is no better way to learn than through the game, so I want to share with you an idea of ​​the most fun to teach children the first notions of math with Lego blocks.

Children need to visualize the abstract concepts of mathematics, and nothing better than using their own toys to familiarize themselves with terms such as major, minor or perform their first addition and subtraction.

To start, you only need a base and two color Lego blocks. You have to place them in a bowl with three divisions, if you have, or else on the table in very different piles.

You place each color separately and on the other hand, the major and minor numbers and symbols. For more advanced, I would add the plus, minus and equal sign, and a third color to the result.

You can start playing by placing the numbers and symbols and the child the blocks. And then vice versa. As the child grows older, more complex operations can be done, adding addition and subtraction, and even multiplication.

Construction games can be good allies when it comes to learning math. I loved the proposal! It is ideal to start putting them on topic before going back to school. Do you like it?

Video: Basic Math for Kids With Legos: Addition, Subtraction, Fun Math Games (June 2024).