Toys'R'Us responds to the request not to restrict the access of girls or boys to different toys (in the United Kingdom)

Toys R Us stop differentiating your toys by sex in the UK, responding to the Let Toys Be Toys campaign, on whose website you can read "Isn't it time for stores to stop limiting our children's imagination by telling them what to play?"

The game evolves with society, and becomes a connection of children with the adult world, which they want to imitate. From that point of view it makes no sense to condition a boy who wants to make up dolls, or a girl who wants to go out to the park with his set of construction vehicles. Let Toys Be Toys is a consumer association, and I had already achieved before that other companies such as Tesco, Sainbury's and The Entertainer (among others) do not indicate in their aisles the sex of the target audience of the toys they sell.

The initiative seems to be the continuation of a movement of Swedish students that started five years ago, paid off in a Christmas catalog of Toys'R'Us from last year (to which the images that illustrate the post belong), free of segregating ideas.

With this type of action (I think I understand) it is intended not to restrict children's access to toys, just because the label on the store shelf says "for girls", but just as we cannot restrict, we should not oblige either. You already know the result that can give a boy a doll and a girl a ball, even if they don't want them

Of course, I would ask everyone: fathers, mothers, manufacturers, distributors ... that children's play is not conditioned, but in no way. Why although toys may be neutralThere are girls who want to take care of dolls and cradle babies (even when no one has spoken to them about it), and we should not see in it a gender inequality or a return to stereotyped roles of women, they do it simply because something inside It moves them that way.

Can girls play chasing each other down the mountain with a Nerf gun in their hands next to the boys like my daughter does ?, yes ... can boys be attracted to Monster High dolls as a friend of my children does ?, yes Sure. Experience has taught me to allow everyone to play with everything, and to let them play together (my children and their friends) without intruding. Usually everyone keeps an interest in traditional outdoor games, but the girls get tired of the chases and the doll boys. And I assure you that I do not open my mouth, go, I am not even aware of what they do or stop doing.

I say this because I believe that the issue of gender differentiation should not generate much debate (because in reality if we are different), yes equality (and also the opportunity) within society and respect for each other.

But having a long-term debate in this regard seems to lead us to other extremes, as in fact it is already happening: women who cannot choose because the "productive system" needs them, and although their children also, as their voice It is weaker, it is not heard. Do you think this is exaggerated? It may not be so much.

In short, in the "today" of children, they should be allowed to play with whatever they want, without conditioning the purchase of toys?, but if the child looks for an Iron Man by the store, we help him find it, we don't buy the washing machine instead.