Week 36 of pregnancy: you can start to feel contractions

We keep moving forward with pregnancy week by week and we are already in the week 36 of pregnancy. We are almost finishing our trip, there is very little left to finally see your baby's face.

This will be the last week in which he is considered a premature baby, since from week 37 he will already be a term baby.

Your baby's skin is getting pinker due to the accumulation of fat and in most cases it will already be upside down and fitted. You are also losing the hair that covered you and the vernix caseosa, which is a creamy, whitish substance that has covered your skin the entire time it has been inside you. All this will be swallowed and is what will form the meconium, which will be the first bowel movements of the baby (it is a very sticky black paste).

Changes in the mother

If your baby has been fitted, you will have noticed that now he presses your pelvis more, but nevertheless, the pressure on the stomach and the diaphragm has been relaxed allowing you to better digest light meals and a relief when breathing.

Most commonly, Braxton Hicks contractions appear randomly and painlessly.

Diagnostic tests this week

As we mentioned in the previous week, it is now when you will be tested for the third and analytical streptococcus agalactiae.

Though Every pregnant and every baby is a world These are the main changes that occur in the mother and the baby during week 36 of pregnancy. Do not stop following your pregnancy week by week.

Next week: 37th week of pregnancy