For your health (and our nerves) this Christmas choose toys without noise

When looking for a gift for our children, a characteristic that we do not usually repair too much, and which we will surely regret within a few hours of use, is in the volume of the toys. There are some that far exceed the recommended, therefore for your health (and our nerves) this Christmas choose toys without noise.

We have already commented that the ideal Christmas gift has an off button. We have recommended that you choose toys with an off button to be able to disconnect it whenever you want and do not become an undesirable object inside the house.

For their part, experts warn of hearing damage that can cause toys with too high volume levels.

A tolerable limit is up to 80 decibels of volume, but it also depends on how long the child is exposed to noise. For a toy that emits 88 dB the child may not be exposed more than 4 hours and, if they are already 91 dB, the maximum time will be two hours.

Of course, most parents do not go with a volume meter to buy gifts, but it is true that in the store we can believe that it is moderate and upon arriving home the convict seems to have been empowered. To give you an idea, a simple melody player for babies can reach up to 100 dB if we place it next to the ear.

The ear has memory. The hearing loss due to noise is cumulative, so since they are small we have to take care of their hearing health. The child gets used to the noise and makes it part of his life, then as a teenager he will listen to the music at full volume damaging his hearing and can cause irreversible hearing injuries when he is an adult.

What can parents do to avoid it? To begin, for your health (and our nerves) this Christmas choose toys without noise. Check that they have a limiter or volume control, power off button, that the battery can be removed where appropriate, or as a last resort, cover the speakers to dampen the volume.

Via | 20 minutes Photo | Nitibob on Flickr CC On Babies and more | Top five of the most hated toys by parents