[Innocent 2013] The Government of Spain studies applying a breastfeeding rate over four months

It seems to be true that the "free everything" is going to end. The Ministry of Health and Justice are studying the feasibility of applying a Rate those mothers who give exclusively breast milk to their babies over four months.

The draft of this measure that is still under study and is subject to modifications is intended to be submitted to the Council of Ministers on April 27, 2014 for approval and enters into force at the end of next summer.

Controversial but necessary measure

Following complaints sent to the Ministry by different associations of dairy producers such as AGLC (Association of Livestock Producers for a Quality Milk) and large multinationals such as Neslé or Nuterxpa accusing mothers of unfair competition, the Government has decided to take letters in the issue and commissioned a study to know the scope of the problem.

In a telephone conversation with Minister Ana Mato, she understands that such measures are not very popular, but it is something that the PP government has to do after these years of madness, completely free of the Zapatero government, and advanced that the measure could be hardened. Confirm this bad praxis.

Dairy producers in ruin

Lucero Defen, President of the associations of dairy producers of Jaén, they demand that the government act as soon as possible and enable the aid and agricultural subsidy items to remove the producers from the ruin in which they are located. According to Mr. Defen, several dozen farmers in the region have already left their lands because they cannot cope with the low demand for Jienense cow milk they have suffered in recent years, due to this new fashion of breastfeeding until they go to university.

Before this crisis they had a cabin with 300 head of cattle and now they barely reach two or three dozen, which diminishes their ability to regenerate making the milk produced by their animals only valid for cosmetic products.

If the music people have their canon, why don't we have something similar? The mothers of this country what they are doing are simply copies of the way of feeding our cattle. Mr. Defen states

The big multinationals defend their product

Dr. Giovana Theter'o subdelegate of Iberian Nuterxpa, says that his company joins the complaint since in recent years they have been forced to close several lines of investigation related to formula milks.

It is not fair that we spend millions of euros in researching an appropriate formula for each child, enabling special spaces for livestock and feeding them with ecologically certified products and that, however, any mother can breastfeed her child after eating a burger -cangreburguer from any fast food place.

It's not fair, keep telling us the Dr. Giovana, that we are forced to comply with more than a dozen different quality certifications and nobody is even measuring the amount of fat in breast milk or the type of preservatives used. Keep in mind that our product can be stored in its container for several months can be extracted with a simple spoon.

According to WHO, babies with exclusive breastfeeding should be fed up to four months, going on to include new foods in the diet. We, says Theter'o, believe that if it is not an exclusive food, then it becomes a competing food in the market and therefore should conform to its competition rules.

Our product is not offensive. No one has ever been shocked to see a child drinking a bottle or a glass of milk in public.

Pro-breastfeeding associations and mothers announce mobilizations

We can not believe it, it is incredible that the government has folded to the interests of this type of multinationals and we will defend our rights until the end, Maria replies that she just founded the Facebook group "I was given a bottle of baby and I still have nightmares. "

At the moment its platform has called a demonstration on December 31 at the Puerta del Sol in Madrid under slogans such as "the bad milk has this government", "this, rich, rich and grounded and the other too", "the cowbell put on by the government"

From Babies and More we will keep you informed in future editions.

What do you think of this dairy tax?

Upgrade: My sincerest apologies if I have made someone have a hard time and I hope I have brought you a smile. Thank you very much to all. Happy April Fools Day!