The "I never" of motherhood: what you said you would not do, but now that you have children ...

You said no TV until 3 years. You said you wouldn't be that kind of mother who ... You said a lot of things, but then your son arrived and you ate your words one by one. Motherhood is plagued, for many of us, with those wonderful “I never” which then give us all over the face. If you also said that A, but then you did B, don't worry, join the club, we are many.

I will never let them eat in the car. I will never let my children stain clothes on the street. I never…

I never. Oh, what two beautiful words… and how bad they know when you have to eat them, three years later, when after four hours of traveling by car you don't know what to do with the children.

And yes, you let them eat, whatever. And yes, they get stained. And you arrive at the great hotel deluxe full of churretes and plagued their shirts of "medals" and lamps.

If CSI had to analyze your car we should warn them not to turn on the ultraviolet light that they use, if they don't want to go blind. Because yes, your car is plagued with organic debris. And of earth. And of things you don't want to know what they are.

Before being mothers we say many things. When they are babies we say many things. When they are children we say many things... And as they go on stage there are things that, pride and coherence that feels good, we comply, and others that simply do not.

But you are not alone. Later you can read the "I never" of other mothers.

In Babies and more, seven phrases that women in their last month of pregnancy are tired of hearing (and four others who would like to hear)

A little theory ...

Human beings need, to adapt to the environment, to establish expectations, develop ideas in advance. This means that, for example, we have survived the mammoths: if one does not anticipate that if he leaves the cave when they are bicharracos they are in the surroundings, they leave more planita than a compress, and there its existence ends.

In the contemporary times We keep doing these little things. For example, if you have a job interview days before you imagine how it will be, as a way to calm your nerves a bit and to prepare yourself.

With motherhood it is the same: as it is a so brutal change in the life of one, then there we begin to prepare projecting what we want and what we don't want to do, how we look like mothers, what kind of parenting we want to develop ...

In Babies and more Mom: you are not doing it wrong, simply motherhood can sometimes be very hard

It's nice. It is useful If it suits you. It is usual.

Now, what is also usual is that this idea, that plan that you drew up, don't fulfill it like that, say, 100%.

Before being a mother, did you say that "When it's mommy, I never ..." and now you've eaten your words Today in the blog a post of things we said we wouldn't do, and what we've done. Much. I much. Where I said I say, I say Diego ... PS how difficult it is to go to the bathroom when you are a mother, fuck # illustration #maternity #humor #hacerpis #ensoledad #graciaspeppa #bocachanclamode #dondedijedigo #digodiego #lapsicomami

The "I never" of ten mothers

Maybe your ideas and principles will be fulfilled. Maybe you had it very clear and that everything went as expected ... But if not, if there are things that are and things that are light years from your starting point, keep reading, because you will see that you are not alone in this "where I said , I say Diego. "

Amelia, 34 years old. 2 sons. I will never let my children watch TV before 2 years ... Hi TV! Thanks television! They have seen it, and they see it, when I need, for example, to cook, that with them in the middle it is really impossible. To comfort us, when they were younger, what we put them were those programs that are supposed to stimulate them ... Now I laugh at those programs, but look, that's what we did. It is done.

Sandra 45 years. 1 daughter. I am the queen of the "I never" in motherhood, I think I've had them all, and I've broken them all: * Before: as soon as I can go to your room and Estivill method. After: Estivill does not enter my house and I collect until preteen. * Before: I will look for a part-time school to reconcile. After: I reduce working hours and look for centers with continuous working hours. * Before: I want a large family. Then: look, with enough.

In Babies and more13 great illustrations about the colecho with which you will feel identified

Carol 38 years. 2 sons. I was not considering having children ... so I only have one "I never", but unfulfilled by the big door. My friends didn't believe it when I said I was pregnant. And so happy, hey.

Raquel. 32 years. Two daughters. I will never speak swearing in front of my children. Well, I can't put swear words here, but come on, I said a lot of niceties in front of them. They escape me. Much.

Claudia. 37 years. 1 son. I said I will never tell lies like "Take the quick juice that the vitamins are gone", "Do not bathe after eating that your digestion is cut", "Do not walk barefoot then your throat hurts" ... Well look, I know it's a lie, but I say it all. All.

In Babies and more13 "mother phrases" that you swore never to say, but that you've ended up repeating with your children

Glory. 41 years. 1 son. I included almost all of the principles I had before I was a mother. For example: * Step to give tit… Well, 4 years we were. * Step to sleep in my room. Colecho until 5. * I will not take him to the nursery. I pointed out when I was a year and a half. * I will never stop wearing heels. What do they give to heels.

Marine. 35 years. 1 daughter. Baby Einstein came to hit my face with my promise of no TV when I was little. I needed to take a shower or go to the bathroom alone, and this was the only way. Although sometimes not even with this could.

Elena. 46 years. 1 daughter. I will be a coiled, liberal mother ... Well, I'm my father. Same. A carca It is what it is.

Vero. 30 years 2 sons. I read everything about maternity, books, blogs ... I had everything very clear. Well, yesterday they saw two hours of Peppa Pig, I was completely outdated and that time served to catch my breath ... and survive. And look, I don't fuss anymore.

Mary. 40 years. 2 sons. I have skipped absolutely all the "I never" before being a mother: * they will not watch TV before two years, I will not go to school ... * I have swallowed my words very richly.

In Babies and more When things do not go as planned: seven cases of expectation vs. reality when you have children

And nothing happens

As I said at the beginning, this of elaborating plans and theories is most normal, in the same way that it is realize that part of what you had in mind today, does not work for you.

For prevent the clash between our expectations and reality make us feel bad, affect us when assessing our motherhood (and even ourselves), it is important that you are flexible, that you accept the changes, that you understand that things don't always go as we expected, but that's not bad, no way.

Motherhood is going to make us face constant changes, this is how it works, because it is a role that we have not developed before, because they are stages in which we have not been before ...

Or even, even if we have already had a child of that age, when the second one arrives, things will not necessarily be the same. What worked with the other goes fatal and Touch the helm and change course. And nothing happens.

Different is not bad. The key is, as I said, to be clear that our ideas, our plans are there to have a horizon line to go to, a regulatory framework with which to act with some coherence, but ...

But it is very likely that as we go along the road we realize that our needs, those of our children, are other, or they are ones that we had not anticipated. What can we do? Then change the chip and adapt. And keep walking, from your hand, to the unknown, and laugh at ourselves, which is the healthiest thing in the world.

As you can see, you are not the only one. Motherhood is full of "I never" and not only come up with ideas you had before becoming a mother, no: this party never ends, because when they are children you start with your theories for when they are teenagers ... And when that time comes, as now, you will surely eat your words. Enjoy it ... and laugh.


In Babies and more The seven things I can't believe I've done as a father

Video: The Duck Song (April 2024).