Recommendations on diet and physical exercise in childhood are not met

Recently, Nutrition Day has been celebrated, and taking the 2011 Aladdin study as a reference, it has been recalled the importance of food and physical activity in the prevention of overweight and childhood obesity.

There are more recent studies than the Aladdin (although this is very complete), in Peques and Más we have been following especially the results offered by the Thao Foundation, from where we have recently been informed that one in four boys and girls between three and 12 years old They are overweight. In that reminder of which I speak above, it affects the deficiencies in the consumption of fruits, vegetables and cereals; and also indicates the widespread abuse of sweets, bag snacks, cookies, cakes and industrial pastries

The balance between diet and physical activity

As we have commented a few times, there is a higher percentage of children with obesity among those who did not eat breakfast or did less than three times a week. And when it comes to, among kids with normal weight, there is more than breakfast all or almost every day. It seems important to emphasize here that only 3.8 percent of children make a full breakfast.

Below, a table that shows the contrast between the recommendations of AECOSAN / FESNAD, with the data obtained in the Aladdin, as you can see, these recommendations are not fulfilled as expected.

When thinking about children moving, beyond recess or regulated sports, we must also reflect on the proximity of green areas or sports centers within a kilometer of your home, in those cases the number of overweight or obese children is reduced.

But walking to class is also moving as we all know, yes: if there are more than 2 kilometers, the percentage close to 50 percent that was walking, becomes 10 percent, since the rest goes by school bus, private vehicle or school transport, which is not surprising if we think of a minimum of two daily journeys (and although they are not the same 2.3 as 3.5.

In the Aladdin study that serves as a reference to commemorate the past Nutrition Day, the association of declared body mass index of the parents with the situation of the children acquires a certain weight. In addition to that it is clearly seen that The more leisure time you spend sedentary activities, the more likely you are to overweight.

And finally, sleep hours are also related to weight, so children who are overweight spend less than 8 hours a day sleeping.