The tenderness of a baby receiving the licks of his dog

It is said that dog licks are their way of petting or kissing, that is, their way of showing affection. And as usually happens, when a baby arrives in the family, he and the dog become almost inseparable companions, as usual friends, accomplices of similar size.

Imagine then how much is the love of this dog, that as if he ate it with kisses, or as if it were his baby at the time of bathing, he fills it with licks, one behind the other. And observe the tenderness of the moment and how funny she is, who doesn't want to end the moment and keeps getting ready to continue receiving that nice massage and that affection.

There are many people who doubt the convenience of dogs and babies living together, and although I do not have and have never had a dog, seeing images like these I can not think that there could be something negative in their relationship. In fact, my wife has been trying to convince me for a while and When I watch videos like that, I want to run away to get one. Then I think about how small our flat is and the work already given by three children and I refuse to put a fourth dependent little creature at home. And in that we walk, in the doubts.

Meanwhile, to continue watching videos like this, which has already been seen by more than 2 million people because it's worth it, because of how affectionate the dog is and how adorable its playmate is.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Is it dangerous to have a dog if you have a baby? Are children who live with dogs healthier? A dog saves a nine-week-old baby's life

Video: Mother Dog Can't Let Go Of Her Dead Puppy. Animal in Crisis EP44 (July 2024).