Good entertainment with kids: play guessing movies

The other day at the pool several families were encouraged to play Guess movies with the kids. The operation of the process is very simple. It's about forming two groups, one who knows the title of the film and another who does not. What the title group knows what it has to do is to represent, silently, with gestures, sounds and above all a lot of mimicry, scenes, characters or words to identify a key that leads them to guess the movie.

For parents it is a good exercise to Encourage kids to remember movies They've seen recently, at home or at the movies. And for the kids it is an excellent entertainment for see parents in action. And since the groups are mixed, older and smaller, in each group there will always be someone who has more motivation to try, to learn, to remember and to jump to guess the keys. It agrees not despair and always encourage kids to participate so they don't get stuck and find new paths. For parents it is a good practice to know how children cope, how they collaborate and help each other to obtain the final answer.

Among the films that can be tested, it is worth any of Disney, children have seen them many times or have read the stories. As age grows they can be animated with more sophisticated titles, recent or old movies. The typical scenes of classic movies They are also a good example on which one can work and now that we have those of Marvel you can still go further with choreographies of struggles and various artistic representations.

And the children have been almost an hour playing with parents, participating, collaborating, laughing and having a great time. For these summer days left in the urbanization, in the pools, on the beach or in the countryside it is good entertainment for everyone to be encouraged to play and have fun.