Pedro Duque demands training programs for kids that motivate and bring them closer to science

Pedro Duque Little appears in the media and we already know that it is essential to develop STEM skills among children so I will review some of the answers which offered an important means of communication on the Internet that also has an interesting section of Science with various articles.

What has caught my attention in the interview with Pedro Duque is that he is concerned about the education of the little ones demanding programs that motivate, excite and be interesting for them. It also explains that the Spanish university is very good and competitive and that those who provide technical training have agreements with those of other countries facilitating exchange and enrichment among students. For Pedro Duque the PISA reports are a good reference and clearly Spain is not well reflected in them. That's why he asks that ensure that public education is able to produce the best engineers and that this is not just a private task. And, according to Pedro Duque, "there is no statistic that says that rich children are smarter than the poor and we need the best."

Pedro Duque also explains that although all children want to be astronauts there are many interesting exits derived from training in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics): "they can be scientists, rocket engineers, people doing orbital calculations, etc." And that "children have to keep the illusion."

What else I claim Pedro Duque is to be encouraged to Become an animator and disseminator of Science in Spain and that appears in many more media. For example, the ease of Paolo Néspoli to talk for more than three hours telling experiences and involving attendees, is extraordinary. And so, as happened in the 80s on television in Spain, when Pedro Duque probably made his decision to be an astronaut, more disseminators will flourish or be encouraged to do so.

Because the current problem is not just the media, in my opinion it is the responsibility of those who have great experiences to tell are encouraged to develop this task, titanic, of dissemination and mobilization. Meanwhile we will settle for reading Pedro Duque, little, in the press although we follow with great attention the dissemination that ESA is making, for example, of Science using its website dedicated to children.

Video: JACK MA: You Need To Hear This INCREDIBLE SPEECH! (June 2024).