The Barbies become warriors

Every parent, have girls or does not know the archifamous doll. It is enough to have only once gone to the toy area of ​​a shopping center or to a large area to realize that we go where we go we will find two fixed aisles: one full of guns, rifles, machine guns and other weapons capable of launching various rubber-foam objects and the hallway of the Barbie, usually pink, pastel pink (why do dolls have to go in pink? Do they make discounts if so?).

In case you still do not know, the Barbie is the doll with the largest number of accessories that you can find in the market, almost rivaling those of real life, impressive. Apart from that, we have Barbies of all types and professions, although "Model Barbies" or simply Barbies simply dominate. But what happens when the dolls fall into the arms of the boys? Apart from the obvious answer, that they end up shattered, in this case we can say that the Barbies become warriors. What are we going to do, we are genetic.

Faire Play

This is the name of the project that was started some time ago by the Zheng3 team and that consists of creating, using 3D techniques and printers, a different war material for the Barbie, so that we can dress it as a warrior, either with a suit more typical of a comic, or a contemporary priestess of the adventures of Ulysses or, our own Joan of Arc kills-dragons.

Who said boys didn't like to play with dolls or that girls wanted to be princesses? Well, if you want to change the typical roles in your homes you just have to take a walk through its website and dive into the world of 3D printing or here you can buy the different components.

Meanwhile, I leave you with a funny video of the Barbie kills dragons.

Video: Barbie Spy Squad Exclusive 10 Minute Premiere! Spy Squad. Barbie (May 2024).