Rental mothers, rent wombs, what is your opinion?

Through a story we have known as the father of the first Spanish test tube baby Pedro Barri, Head of the Reproductive Medicine Service of the Dexeus University Institute, asks that the rental of uterus be authorized or as we know him on the street, rental mothers so that couples with serious fertility problems can have a child.

The biological mother donates one or more ovules, which will be fertilized in vitro with her partner's sperm. These embryos are transferred to the gestational mother (surrogate mother), which will carry out the embryos that develop inside her belly.

According to this expert, 15% of Spanish couples have some kind of fertility problem, something that is closely related to the average age of future parents, 36 years old. It also indicates that they should be exceptional cases and that each of them would have to be analyzed and evaluated by the Ministry of Health or the National Commission, always being a very selective authorization.

The issue is quite controversial, since there are those who believe that if this practice were given free rein, an exploitation of the female body could appear, encouraging traffic that perhaps undermines human dignity among other issues.

The fact that rental mothers are not allowed in Spain encourages couples who cannot have children to make a trip to the United States to undergo fertility treatments, very expensive and sometimes only a few can be paid. Another issue is couples traveling to other countries to buy a child without wanting to take the legal steps of adoption.

As Pedro Barri puts it, we personally believe that it is an acceptable measure, at least until science, in a not too distant day, can overcome all the obstacles that infertility promotes and ensure that a child can be conceived. What do you think about it, are you for or against it?

Video: Should Women Be Allowed to Rent Their Wombs? (July 2024).