Making the adaptation to the nursery

If I thought that every school day would be as bearable as the first, I was wrong. As happened to my partner Eliana and most parents, adapting to the hat is not easy.

Of course, they say that the following days are worse because on the first day the child does not know what he is going to, nor how long he will be. The first time is a novelty for them.

On the other hand, the days after, they already know that Mom "leaves them" in the nursery and they stay there alone, until they discover that they are having a blast with their friends and have more fun than at home, but my girl has not yet seen that facet.

Today two weeks ago the school started. Few days considering that there were two holidays last week. Too few to create a habit. It is still missing, although I think we are on the right track.

Only today was the first day that he did not stay crying nor did I have to take it off my neck in a sea of ​​tears. Except for the first one, the other days was an ordeal, in which she kicked and cried and I suffered like a damned woman when it was time to say goodbye.

But of course, parents have to be strong for the gallery, although every morning I wonder if I did well to register it. But if I show her my insecurity, we ruin the adaptation.

They say that Friday is the best day because children are already accustomed to the routine of the week. But then comes the weekend and again the fateful Monday. And get used to it again.

When I go looking for her, she is happy and the teachers say she participates. At home he tells what he did at school. That's a good sign.

Video: How to Make a Switch Adapted Toy (July 2024).