Television, bad for children with type 1 diabetes

We could discuss for hours the benefits and harms of the effect of television on children.

What can be affirmed after a study by Norwegian researchers is that children who spend too much time in front of the "stupid box" do not control their glucose levels well.

Although it had already warned about controlling the daily hours that children watch television a day, which does not exceed 2 hours, specifically in the case of Children with Type 1 diabetes, it is especially recommended that they do not watch TV more than a couple of hours a day.

Interestingly, according to the study it was possible to verify that the glucose levels of the children's body were increasing as the exposure time in front of the television increased, reaching the highest limit when the children watched at least four hours of television.

This type of diabetes (type 1) is the least frequent and has no relation to obesity, which also has television as its main enemy. It is characterized by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin and requires lifelong treatment.

I was serious about discussing the effects of television for hours. Although I recognize its educational function, I increasingly believe that the great invention of the last century conceived to entertain the masses is becoming destructive.

And seeing the good part of telebasura and the lack of quality children's programming, makes us have the TV more hours off than on.

Video: What is Type 1 diabetes? A children's guide. Diabetes UK (July 2024).