Eduardo Punset, the upbringing and welfare of society

Eduardo Punset He is a popular science disseminator, a Spanish writer who collaborates in various media and old friend of this blog Lola is an admirer of him and has already explained to us how the abandonment of the baby in the crib is comparable to the lack of love of adults.

In this short article, I recommend you all: “Is there a way to improve well-being?” Explains 4 ideas that would have an impact on people's well-being without complicated strategies or large economic investments. Simply "taking advantage of what we already know and not getting lost in the branches." They are:

  1. Breeding
  2. Stop contaminating aquifer wells by slurry
  3. Avoid noise pollution
  4. Eliminate deceptive advertising

These are your wise words about how to raise children: "You have to love children unconditionally. It is one of the most recent and impactful discoveries of affective mechanisms. The most expeditious way to remedy both sentimental misgovernment and affective predation consists precisely in accepting once and for all that Without unconditional love there is no learning process possible. It is not necessary to discover gunpowder and find the ideal mix of reward and punishment for learning. Loving children unconditionally does not mean wanting all their actions, but making them feel that there is a place, their home, where they are loved and protected by what they are intrinsically. You will see how everything starts working in a different way. "

It seems obvious, but it is not

Not only is there no unconditional love in the thousands of parents who abuse their children, neither is there in the millions of parents peaceful that sometimes we love our own comfort more, discipline and certain social norms that our children.

There is no unconditional love in do not breastfeed breastfeed not even 1 day of life and voluntarily ask for the injection / pill to cut the milk, there is no unconditional love in let him cry in a crib without comforting him, there is no unconditional love in demand independence behavior improper of his age, there is no unconditional love (or understanding of his needs) in separate them voluntarily from his parents long hours in the first months, etc.

Why do you think St. Augustine said: "Give me other mothers and I will change the world"In the upbringing with unconditional love is the great change of Humanity.

So be it

Video: el cerebro del bebe: Eduard Punset y Sue Gerhardt 26 redes (July 2024).