What to do if my child is constipated?

He constipation In infants and young children it is not a reason to worry, especially if it is not a true constipation.

Constipated infants

It is almost as normal that a baby with a breast does not make a poop more than once a week as if he does it several times a day. With children who do not drink breast milk on demand, you have to be more attentive, since they are not the ones who directly regulate the density and the amount or frequency of feeding. Anyway, if the stool is not hard and there is no pain, you should not worry in principle even if you do not do it every day.

Once the child begins the complementary feeding or using the potty or the bathroom we can find changes in their frequency in going to poop. There are many reasons why this can happen and lead to constipation: poor appetite, low fiber or low fluid diet, routine changes or a wrong presentation of the new stage.

The introduction of solid food

If the change in stool occurs when we have introduced complementary feeding Do not be alarmed. The baby's body needs time to adapt to this great change in their diet. That is why it is important not to introduce solid foods ahead of time and to do it very slowly.

The basis of feeding a baby until the year is still milk and until two years this is still very important in his diet. Nothing is so complete and nutritional, nor does it have so much energy and quality protein, whatever the advertising campaigns for baby food and porridge and other products for young children say. The best we can give you is your mother's milk without restriction and supplement your nutrition with natural foods following the convenient introduction guidelines.

I insist on the issue of quantities, which parents often worry a lot. Actually, as I said, milk is the basis of the correct feeding of babies and trusting their self-regulation gives us a clue of the amounts they should take. The special on complementary feeding of babies and more I think you can be very useful if you have questions about this issue.

While the child's digestive system becomes accustomed to these changes and new foods, it may happen at times of constipation but we can help you improve in this regard with some simple guidelines as we will see later.

The time to leave the diaper

Actually time to leave the diaper It should be a decision of the child, when he wanted to make this change aided and guided by his parents who knew how to recognize the signs that he is already physically and psychically mature. But this is not always the case and it may happen that we overexpress a child who does not feel prepared to face a change that, after all, refers to his most personal bodily functions.

What we should avoid is pressure, teasing, anger and rewards, respecting as much as possible that progress is at a pace that makes you feel comfortable and calm. And it does not matter if you start pooping in the potty at two or four, in the long run you will leave the diaper.

I don't know any teenagers who go to school and keep pooping in a diaper for fun or drinking the tit, so I tend to be quite reluctant to hurry with these things.

Foods that sting and foods that help

Some foods can cause certain constipation. Banana, carrot, apple, rice, white bread or yogurt are the most common but also in this each child is different. On the other hand, tomato, pear, strawberry, peas or grapes help normally, although you always have to follow the recommendations on the age at which to introduce food, as some of those I have quoted are allergenic and should not be given at early ages

If the rice produces constipation we can mix it with other cereals paying attention to whether the child already drinks gluten, or mix it with vegetables.

Drinking water is usually necessary to prevent stool from hardening and also help massage in the tripita following circles or bend your little legs by the knees and upwards, always very gently and getting the child to enjoy the massage with games and tickles.

What to avoid is the stimulation of the anus. And enemas, suppositories or medications only give them under strict medical prescription.


Another thing that affects the constipation In children as in adults is lack of exercise. Let's avoid sitting for a long time in the stroller or the hammock, letting it move freely can put your body into operation and improve your abdominal muscle tone, essential so that you can gradually overcome this problem.


In any case, if in doubt, if the child suffers constipation usual, if you have not made a poop for more than a week or if you have very strong pains or wounds it is always advisable to consult with the pediatrician who will give us dietary guidelines and other personalized advice for our particular case.