Stories of mothers: "Every kiss is an explosion of joy"

Our invitation to the readers to send us their stories about their experience of motherhood has been a success and they never fail to reach us mothers stories Beautiful that it is a pleasure for us to read and I hope that also for you.

Today I bring you a story of a mother who writes to us from Jojutla, in the state of Morelos, in Mexico. A young working and struggling mother who tells us that "Every kiss is an explosion of joy".

When I got pregnant, I was still studying University. The truth is that I was very afraid, afraid of what the birth would be like and if I would be prepared to be a good mom. At that time your daddy and I were together, but a month before you were born we decided to follow different paths. It was hard, but here we are together and stronger than ever. I dedicate all my achievements to you, you encourage me to make each day a better person, a better mother and a better human being. Now we have met a very special person, who loves me and loves you as if you were his own daughter. His name Carlos and I know you love him too. You surprise him with a kiss when you see him. You share your toys and your love with him. There are times that have been difficult for a single mother: caring for my daughter, her upbringing, time, her father's lack. But there is nothing we cannot solve together. At this moment my baby is 1 year and 7 months old, it is the joy of my house, the light for my mother, my sisters and me. He is the star that shines every day. Every night I get tired of working she receives me with a word that fixes my day: MAMAAA, she gives me a hug and a kiss that is an explosion of joy. I love her and I would never go back one step, because for one of them she is in the world, by my side.

Love makes its way, grows, gives us strength. Stories of mothers as this one that we bring to you today they demonstrate it.

We encourage you to share your experiences by sending the story, which should have an extension of between 5 and 8 paragraphs, to [email protected] with one or two photos of you with your children (min. 500 px wide) so that we can publish them.

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).