YouTube pays families for posting fun videos of their children

The network is full of funny videos of babies and children because they are the most viewed content by Internet users. Without going any further, in this blog we have published a few and we have also had a lot of fun with them. But behind something seemingly harmless there is a business, without implying that it is something bad, because YouTube pays families for posting fun videos of their children.

The platform rewards the love of some parents to make public thanks to their children with figures that can reach 116,000 euros depending on the virality that has achieved the video in question.

If any of the videos uploaded to YouTube arouses enough interest or is considered a video that can be seen, an agreement is reached with the user to share the revenue from the advertising that appears next to these videos.

Apparently, the children's funny videos business generates good dividends. The number of families that won approximately 7,000 euros doubled a year after publishing the videos.

One of the most watched has been the video of Lily, a little girl who is excited to know that she is going to Disneyland, which by the way, we have also commented on the blog.

But without a doubt the one that has generated the most revenue (116,000 euros) is the most watched video on YouTube. It has been seen almost 400 million times and shows how little Charlie bites his 3-year-old brother.

There are those who see behind the videos of children an unnecessary exposition of family intimacy or a forced performance of children, which are the ones that really matter, and offering compensation contributes in some way to fostering it. Many others see it simply as something fun (many, if not so many visits would be justified) and something that both parties benefit from, without seeing anything wrong with it.

What do you think that YouTube pays families for posting fun videos of their children?

Video: FUNNIEST FAMILY MOMENTS! Mega Comedy Compilation (July 2024).