Will our children be a lost generation?

One of the things I recorded most of the program Saved in which Jordi Évole was traveling to Finland to compare our education system with theirs, it was when a Finn explained that what was cut in education had already been done there a few decades ago, being now a lost generation, with many problems to find work because of its poor preparation in childhood.

It is not that here in Spain the generations before the current one were much better prepared, because our educational system has to change a lot to get closer to that of the countries of northern Europe, but what does seem clear is that now, as There is the issue, some schools are a real mess, with constant changes of teachers, or directly with a lack of professionals who can supply a drop or reinforce any classroom or subject at specific times.

Come on, that in the absence of financial resources teachers have no choice but to supply them with illusion and dedication, as we see in the vignette a few days ago from Faro. The problem is that illusion and motivation do not always last, so Our children are at clear risk of being a lost generation. Will they be?

An educational reform in each mandate

Education in our country is a political issue. It should not be, because the manias, phobias or desire of a minister should not transcend the educational model, but it happens. And worst of all, almost every new term, the minister on duty decides to create a new education plan, turning the tortilla as many times as necessary, forgetting important things, making the staff dizzy and hurting children, or so I think .

Because in a few years we will be governed by other politicians, who will probably decide that things are being done badly and that we must change. And those who come later will do it again, and so the children will continue to be in the middle of everything, but no matter too much to anyone. In Finland, as we could see, all politicians, whether they govern or not, come together to make education a powerful project, with ideas from all, with the participation of all, with a common goal: offer children the best possible education.

With few resources

Here in Spain that of the best possible education is going to be that no. Basically because you can't pretend to get it if you make cuts. If you cut in education, you cut in personnel, you cut in infrastructures, you cut in tools for the children, in time destined for them, in spaces where they can be without that the classrooms are crowded, in having more trained and prepared professionals.

The teachers put as much as they can on their part, but many are desperate to juggle to carry out the classes, worried that the losses are not supplemented, because they do not have reinforcement staff that can help them with the little ones, or those not so small who still need help, because ... and because they see that their work is not recognized as it should.

The illusion is presupposed to them, but neither is it something that all teachers can be required year after year, and less with such abuse. Yes, that the illusion makes your work much more pleasant and productive, but in the end you get tired. And the dedication, then a little more of the same.

Teachers are dedicated to children because they are the ones that most concern them in the background, but of course, that has to be valued, and at present it does not seem to interest in any way rewarding dedication, but simply cut them a little so that keep doing the same as always for less and in worse conditions.

The lost generation

I do not know if our children will become part of a lost generation, that of the crisis of the early 2000s, which caused governments to cut what is not written in education and health, while they rescued banks and continued to invest in inexplicable things (the Saved in that it speaks of Defense is not wasted, either), or from now on all generations will be lost, for not even having an interest in learning, given the high probability of not having a job.

The fact is that, as usually happens, parents have to fight more than ever for the sake of our children, for a better education, to get them to stop cutting in children and also taking the reins of all this, because a child He has to go to school to be taught things, but at home he can and should learn them. And to be a person of good, responsible, humble and respectful, to be that you can learn in school, but you have to learn too, and above all, at home.

So, if the government is doing its best to annoy the future of our children, we will have to turn our backs and do our best to avoid it, like teachers, with enthusiasm and dedication. Either that, or we run the risk that they end up having such a (little) high level as those who govern us, that they are already the laughing stock of half the world.

Video: Lost Generation of Children (July 2024).