The adaptation to the nursery school. Interview with psychopedadoga Deheni Rubio

For parents one of their main concerns when their child is going to start schooling is that they can make it safe and happy and to achieve that it is very important that a period of adequate adaptation to the nursery school is offered.

We have interviewed psychologist Deheni Rubio about the keys in choosing a suitable nursery school and today we are going to talk to her about what is the appropriate adaptation period and how to assess if our child is feeling well in this new space.

How should the adaptation process take place?

When children enter school for the first time, it is recommended that they go once with their parents, look at it, go around it and ask them if they would like to stay another day for a couple of hours. In the first week it is recommended that at least-the first day the mother accompanies him to the classroom, that the teacher introduces them to both of them and asks the child, do you want mom to leave?

The child usually accepts the invitation, since the children are called attention, the materials. Return in a couple of hours and follow this dynamic for a week, the following days you can stay at the door and enter alone. The adaptation process is normally 15 days.

How will parents help you more?

It is important to live this transition stage providing security in the child. If we are sure of the school we choose he will receive signs of tranquility knowing that he is in a safe place and that you will return.

What if the child cries?

It is not advisable, ever, for the child to cry.

But especially in this first period we should not allow the child to cry, to snatch it from mom's hands and cry inconsolably, it will effectively calm down and it is likely that after a few hours he will have fun, but they do not need to pass therefore.

Here I would add something else to the two previous questions, how do I know if I am in the school indicated?

Because they give rise to parents and children adapt to this new stage, respect each and their specific times.

What factors are the most important to help the child overcome a bad adaptation?

These types of situations, which may be frequent and that we do not consider when we take our child to school, may occur in response to the fact that our child is not ready to begin this transition.

The ability of an adult to adapt differs greatly from the ability of a child; This depends mainly on the background of experiences in new situations that allow us to adapt more smoothly and in a controlled manner.

Believes that the child has had to leave his home and integrate into a new environment, with other children he does not know, with different rules, in an unknown place, without his father and mother to help him if he needs it, this is not an easy task . Therefore, it is vital to respect individual times and requirements. If we consider that the period of adaptation is a time in which the child moves from a known, safe and affective environment (home) to another wider and unknown environment.

What can we do?

We provide respect and security, prioritize your feelings and emotions. Let's wait until you are ready to start this process. A good idea is to start with some kind of painting or dancing where you begin to interact with other children. Find places where you feel comfortable and can relate.

How can we detect if our child is not happy in nursery school?

There are children who can verbalize their emotions more easily: I don't like it, it scares me, etc. But there are others who do not find a way to let us know what they have, and they do it through behaviors that you can identify as: if you leave them crying, if you leave the school happy and if you feel like going in the morning.

Ask him how he has done, what he has done and how he has played; by his expression you can see if the memories are good or not. Pay attention if you have behaviors that you did not do before like sucking your finger, not eating well or having a bad dream.

Ask the teacher how she sees her relationship with other classmates and how she interacts in class and in recreational activities. If you consider it necessary, request an appointment with the teacher to find out how your child's behavior has been.

How can we detect that something is happening if the child does not tell us?

Something that will help you identify it is that in the afternoon it is very good, as the night approaches it begins to say that it has a headache, a stomach and that tomorrow it will not go to school because it is sick. Your eating or sleeping habits are altered (not wanting to eat or have nightmares). In the morning say that your head hurts, start crying from before leaving home or along the way. Also if you notice that your character changes, if you perceive it annoying or more shy.

We know that children imitate everything they see, there we can realize if it starts to kick, scream, or use words that you know are not of use in your home.

Is it good to take it out if we can and come back another year if the child shows clear signs of not being prepared?

Of course! We do not believe that we are overprotective if we prioritize our child's feelings, if the child is not happy we can look for other options in which he is. Remember that the first years of life form the character, self-esteem and personality of the future adult. Sometimes we think that we must prepare them for adult life "it is very hard and there they will not grant everything you want", "you have to learn to relate".


Do you know someone who is frustrated at work? What is your opinion of that? Do you think he is so talented that he could look for opportunity somewhere where they value their abilities? Ask yourself that about your son too.

We believe that age determines the ability to integrate / adapt to school, in reality what determines these skills are the maturity of the psychological and cognitive processes with which our child has been surrounded. Maybe he is not ready yet and should have more time to make this maturity form.

What are the things we should value most in their teacher and the learning model of the nursery school?

The teachers, we must recognize it, make an immense effort to take care of so many children in the class, we must value the efforts they make by giving us recommendations so that they are better, so that they are integrated and so that as part of the school. It is important as parents to maintain close communication and carry out joint activities with our child.

If your son tells you how well he has done in class today, if he tells you what he learned and how the teacher congratulated him for the effort he had made, if you see that he starts doing something he did not do and you know he has received support from the teacher, with extra activities to the curriculum. If they say goodbye by sending kisses, if you see your child looking for her, they are good signs that she has created a bond with her.

In relation to school, I consider it very important to value education based on love, respect and individuality and showing interest in new educational models.

We thank Psychopedagogue Deheni Rubio the interview granted to Babies and more and we will continue working to help you make your children's schooling a wonderful experience.